
Xcom 2 skulljack
Xcom 2 skulljack

xcom 2 skulljack
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In addition to the narrative problems, it's pretty clunky as a pure gameplay solution trading 4 HP to kill an enemy who almost certainly would've done at least 4 damage if they successfully attacked is not some difficult decision, and in practice Skullmining is mostly held back from being seriously abusable by being a point-blank turn-ending attack that always has a notable chance to miss. though I think this particular solution was not particularly ideal. Given Skullmining is an instant kill, it probably did need some sort of limitation or punishment, even considering Skullmine-susceptible enemies are largely not particularly durable. In practice, I suspect this boils down to the devs feeling a need to include a failure state on Skullmining, failing to come up with something that is design-purposeful and in-universe sensible, and falling back on HP damage for lack of better ideas. (eg players who have played games that gave them such warnings, where their experience was always that these warnings were the games overhyping their final challenge, and so they won't take a new such warning seriously) There will be crucial details the devs didn't think to explicate, implications of statements plenty of players will not recognize as being there (Except perhaps in retrospect, where it's too late), and even if the devs did their job perfectly there will inevitably be players who are coming from a context and perspective that doesn't get the intended meaning out of the warning. As a bonus, jarring the player out of the normal flow of gameplay like this rarely works a textual warning that This Is The Final Mission And You Will Be Dealing With X Weird Gimmick is almost never able to actually convey to the player the nature of what they need to prepare for. This is all nice and compact a way to improve the learning curve, and is particularly impressive for how naturally it flows usually when games try to solve this kind of problem, it's done either by giving up and making the endgame incredibly easy so even an awful build can get through (Which generally ends up boring and unsatisfying, often even for the people it's meant to benefit), or by really blatantly stepping outside the normal flow of gameplay and storytelling to directly warn the player of what they need to be prepared for.

xcom 2 skulljack

(And also Skirmishers desperately want an Autoloader no matter what, to an extent no base-game class cares a player is liable to have an Autoloader on their Skirmisher anyway, even if they otherwise don't like Autoloaders)

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Of course, you can prepare for this with Autoloaders if you like, and melee doesn't care for one thing, this means War of the Chosen runs tend to have an easier time powering through a Psionic Bomb to take out the Avatar cleanly, since Templar don't care at all and Skirmishers increasingly pick up ways to fight without needing ammo, two of which double as free movement.

xcom 2 skulljack

A Codex tossing out a Psionic Bomb followed by you Skulljacking them is still probably forcing people to reload, and is at minimum forcing people to move whether you want them to or not.

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The need to Skulljack a Codex instead of an Officer also contributes to the increased difficulty in prepping to fall on your target with a full squad turn an Officer moving and Marking Target just before you Skulljack them accomplished nothing if no ally of theirs followed up on the Mark.

Xcom 2 skulljack